Serato DJ Keyboard Shortcuts
The table below shows a list of all the latest keyboard shortcuts that you can use with Serato DJ to access some of the features in the software a bit faster and make your life easier.
Try them out for yourself and let us know your favorite and most useful shortcuts in the comments section.
A personal favorite around the office is Control + Z. This is used to undo the latest track load which is good if you load a track to the wrong deck or eject a track accidentally. If you are using REL or ABS mode when using turntables or CDJs, pressing control + Z will load the previous track and continue to play it from its original position when you accidentally ejected. This has saved a couple of lives for sure.
Load selected track | shift + left arrow | shift + right arrow |
Double track | control + shift + left arrow | control + shift + right arrow |
Eject Virtual Deck | shift + alt + left arrow | shift + alt + right arrow |
Play/Pause | W | S |
Reverse play direction | Q | A |
Add Cue Point | control + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | control + 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 |
Delete Cue Point | control + shift + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | control + shift + 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 |
Set next Cue Point | alt + ` | alt + – |
Set/Jump to Cue Points in track | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 |
Jump to temporary Cue Point | I | K |
Load next track | alt + W | alt + S |
Load previous track | alt + Q | alt + A |
Rewind | alt + E | alt + D |
Fast Forward | alt + R | alt + F |
Pitch bend down | T | G |
Pitch bend up | Y | H |
Censor | U | J |
Keylock | F5 | F10 |
Load Sample from library (slot 1-8) | control + alt + Z, X, C, V, B, N, M and , |
Play Sample (slot 1-8) | Z, X, C, V, B, N, M and , |
Stop Sample (slot 1-8) | alt + Z, X, C, V, B, N, M and , |
Move Up/Down through tracks | up/down arrow |
Move Up/Down through crates | control + shift + up/down arrow |
Shift highlight focus | tab |
Move cursor to search | control + F |
Reveal track in Explorer (PC) or Finder (Mac) | control + R |
Locate last loaded track (press again for other deck) | control + L |
Select All | control + A |
Undo Track load | control + Z |
Delete track/crate | control + delete |
Send file to trash | control + shift + delete |
Add track(s) to prepare panel | control + P |
Zoom main waveform display | + or – |
Zoom library text size | control and + or – |
Start new recording (mix, aux or mix) | control + N |
Open track in default media player | control + O |
(While editing BPM) Double/Halve PBM | alt + up/down arrow |
Enable AM Mode(hide track names) | alt + / |
Enter Beatgrid Edit Mode | alt + spacebar (repeat to toggle between decks) |
Exit Serato DJ | Esc (escape) |
Loop On/Off | [ | ‘ (apostrophe) |
Autoloop On/Off | alt + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | alt + 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 |
Loop Roll | control + alt + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | control + alt + 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 |
Reloop/Exit | alt + [ | alt + ‘ (apostrophe) |
Set/Adjust loop in point | O | L |
Set/Adjust loop out point | P | ; (semicolon) |
Loop Slot Select Up | alt + O | alt + L |
Loop Slot Select Down | alt + P | alt + ; (semicolon) |
Note: if the option ‘playback keys use shift’ is enabled on the setup screen all playback keys require either shift or caps lock to be pressed.The shortcuts described are the keys on a US keyboard. On other keyboards these key positions may be labelled differently.
For example, [control] on Windows is equivalent to [Command] on Mac OS X. Similarly, [Alt] on Windows means [Option] on Mac OS X.
Note: for some Keyboard Shortcuts such as Load the highlighted song to a deck (shift + left or right arrows), control can be used as a substitute for shift.
Using Hot Keys with Serato Play
Hot Keys are great when it comes to Serato Play: it keeps you fluid and smooth as you would if you were using a controller. To enable this feature, click the tick box in the drop down inside the play panel.